
San Diego Downtown Post 492




Ron Wilkins & Billy Capps receiving honors in San Diego for their participation on the 1954 American Legion World Series Championship Team. The teams coach was Fulton Vickery who had served in the Army Air Corps during WW II. There is more to the story of how the title was won so if you ask Billy Capps he would be happy to tell you about it. 


Milbank S.D. is the birthplace of American Legion Baseball. American Legion Post 9, is involved in building an American Legion baseball field, and  Legion baseball memorial statue. Milbank is a farming community which is building a big baseball complex. Play is planned to start in 2023, completion of the complex is scheduled for 2025. 2025 is significant as it marks the 100 year anniversary of the start of American Legion Baseball. See the January edition of the American Legion magazine for more details. The complex will include a Champions Plaza to honor past American Legion World Series Champions (one of which is our own) as well as a American Legion Baseball Hall of Fame museum. All of this is dedicated to American Legion's involvement in building a better America.

The 2023 Post 492 baseball season;The Panthers made the regional play-offs but was defeated before going to the state play-offs. Our team members played hard and were united in their passion to win. This was the third year in a row that the Panters made to play-offs. Coach Leeney did a great job of directing the team as did his assistants. Hoover High School provided the home ball field for the Panthers and the post certainly appreciates their support.