
San Diego Downtown Post 492


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Buddy Checks: The American Legion family’s National Outreach Program. This program is designed to provide a way to lookout for our fellow veterans. To accomplish this responsibility the American Legion provides detailed guidance. Each Post 492 member can participate in this program by following the guidance. A BUDDY may fit into a number of categories so the appropriate approach is provided. A phone call can start the process and may be all that is necessary. Think about a fellow veteran who is ill, lost a spouse or simply needs to hear a friendly voice. The program guidance is on the American Legion website and Mylegion.org. March 15th (The Legions Birthday) or Veterans Day are two good dates to call a BUDDY or any day will also work. We just need to do it. 

The first meeting following the COVID closure was Tuesday 20 April 2021. We met for dinner at Bully’s East at 6 PM. During the meeting the Legion boys baseball sponsorship was presented. The two coaches provided an overview of their plans to build a team for the 2021 season. Additionally the members present discussed future meeting locations. It was agreed that our next meeting would be at Bully’s East (good service and good food). Legionnaire Novak discussed the blood donation program. 


Word from the Department of California The American Legion. There were a total of 37 resolutions approved by the National 

Executive Committee that are available on the National Organization’s website (Legion.org). The resolutions provide 

Important information for all veterans such as: Research for the treatment of PTSD, and Transfer of educational benefits.

Every veteran is invited to read these resolutions and if concerned provide 
