
San Diego Downtown Post 492


Al Wright was welcomed back to the Post from active duty on May 16, 1945.


Atrocities at Buchenwald Concentration Camp in Germany were discussed at the June 20, 1945 meeting.


1945-1946 – Post Commander Cornelius Sullivan


July 18, 1945: Post 492 sold $62,000 of War Bonds.


Apparently there was no mention about the end of World War II at the August 15, 1945 meeting.


A 9”x13” “Special Service Certificate was awarded to the American Legion San Diego Downtown Post 492 in grateful recognition of outstanding service to the FBI during World War II” signed by J. Edgar Hoover, Director.                                   


(Minutes September 1945 through February 1946 are missing.)


March 20, 1946: (handwritten minutes) “Considerable comments” about sponsoring a Junior baseball team with the “need to furnish certain equipment and possibly jerseys.” 


Since meetings were now being held in member’s homes, the County Council apparently learned “colors” were not being properly displayed. It was decided a small set of colors would be used at future meetings.


April 17, 1946: (handwritten minutes) John Hewicker’s son, John HewickerJr, was selected to attend Boys State.


“The report on junior Baseball indicated that the complete sponsorship had been provided by the Ford Co. in this area.”


May 15, 1946: “The difficulties being encountered by veterans desiring to attend college” was discussed.


June 19, 1946: Post 492 membership limit, which had increased to 30, was raised to 35.


“John Hewicker the 2nd gave his enthusiastic report on his trip to Boys State” at the July 17, 1945 meeting.


“A letter referring to Rifles for Ceremonial use was referred to the Adjutant.”


Apparently Post 492 had a problem in the past filing a proper return with IRS. “The 1945 Income Returns of this Post were approved by a committee headed by Comrade Ralph Wallace, who instructed the Adjutant to mail the same.”


1946-1947 – Post Commander Sidney R. Robinson


“Art Jensen gave his report on the World Series” at the October 16, 1946 meeting.


“The Government” approved Post 492’s request for ceremonial rifles on November 19, 1946.


Post 492 donated $5.00 to “The National Foundation, The March of Dimes” in January 1947. “Motion made that no donations to be made except to Boys State.”


For various reasons, several members resigned on February 19, 1947. It was decided, “that members absent for six meetings without apparent good cause, be asked to resign.”


June 1947: “Chet Munson reporting for Art. Jensen on Junior Baseball and his attendance to the games in Portland and Seattle.” 


1947-1948 – Post Commander Albert M. Wright


August 20, 1947: “Received from the Sierra Arsenal at Herlong, California, one box of rifles, which were ordered returned due to the exorbitant charges made by the San Diego & Arizona Easter Railway. Comrade Frank Lantry agreed to make all necessary adjustments as well as volunteering to clean off rifles of cosmoline, for a charge of seventy-five cents (75¢) per gun.” (Lantry was a purchasing agent for the SD&AE Railroad.)


November 19, 1947: “Considerable confusion” trying to figure out which prior Post Commanders needed “Past Commanders buttons.” Caps were ordered for six members.


December 17, 1947: (handwritten minutes) Brief meeting… “No further business, meeting was adjourned. Balance of the evening was spent enjoying Comrade Art Lester’s buffet luncheon and Tom & Jerrys.”


January 21, 1948: “Comrade Richmond asked about securing a new rifle. None to be had. Comrade Jensen complained about Comrade Munson taking a clean rifle which Jensen should have had. Comrade Lantryreported the argument was still hot when the two Comrades parted company.”


“Comrade Downey talked on sponsoring new Post for young veterans of World War 2.”