
San Diego Downtown Post 492


The winning Team

In 1954 Post 492 sponsored a baseball team that went all the way to a National 

Championship. The story as told by Billy Capps is absolutely enthralling. Billy 

was on that team and is a San Diego resident. If you have not heard his story

you should. He tells about how American Legion baseball has provided 

numerous major league players over the years. He describes the 1954 season 

and the process of winning while starting out by losing early in the process. If you like 

success stories and anything about baseball you need to hear him tell it. Billy attended

Post 492s meeting so those in attendance heard the story. By the way, Post 492 has one 

of the bats used by that winning team and Billy has the uniform he wore plus items

awarded to the team. On the next page we have a photo of some of the group in attendance 

with Billy Capps (red shirt) kneeling in front holding the bat that he used used in one of the games.

Some of the meeting attendees in the photograph are (left to right)

Brian Novak,Bruce Browne,Ed Van Meter, Chuck Camarate (District 22 Commander) Billy Capps 

Gene Pellerin, Buck Buchanan, and Kron Littleton